Thursday, March 8, 2012

One Way Mirror

Sometimes I feel like I'm standing on the dark side of the one- way mirror.  No one can see in, but I can see out.  I am alone.  No one can reach me, because as hard as they search…I'm invisible.  They don't know I'm here, as a shadow in the corner,  waiting behind a wall; hiding. This one-way mirror, a trap to  all.  Covered by a blanket of lies, a dark sheet.  This one-way mirror, keeping us apart. Keeping the bad on one side, good on the other. This one-way mirror divides us all. This one way-mirror cannot be broken.


  1. Oh my goodness! That was absolutely breath taking!Wow. I don't know what else to say!
    Great job... keep posting more stuff!!!!!

  2. Marissa, that was so inspirational! It means so much and speaks to us all. Great piece!;)
