Monday, November 7, 2011

The Secret Life of Bees- Rosaleen

Author's Note: I wrote this piece, responding to The Secret Life of Bees. I had to write it in the perspective of another character, besides Lily. I chose Rosaleen.  I feel that this portrays the actions of her thinking.

I am walking, on a long journey.  Lily is with me, and we don't know where we're headed, we just needed to be gone.  I needed to get away from all this mayhem caused with T-Ray.  He was not a good person, and not someone anyone would like to be we left.  I'm still worried about if this is the right decision, being that we haven't had anything change for the better, yet.  All we're doing, hopefully, is getting a second chance. A new beginning, leaving our horrible past  behind us.

"Can you tell me anything about my mom? Like what she was liked? What she looked like?" Lily asked.  I'm not sure if -I should answer her.  Yes, I do know what happened to her mother.  Every  fight that was ever fought, ever word that was ever said, and every action that was ever made. I know the truth; and Lily and T-Ray know parts of it, but neither knows the whole thing.  I was like a sister to Debra, I was her listening ear when things had gone wrong with T-Ray, I was like the book, and she was the author.  I only know the things that she told me. (which I assumed was the whole thing, since it took hours  to listen to her)

"No, sweetie, I don't know much about your mother.  Not much at all." I replied, watching the tears fill up in her eyes.

"Well can you please tell me what you do know?" She asked, begging.

""No," i said, sighing before I opened my mouth, "I....I don't know anything." I said, breaking her heart.

I know one day I'll give up, I'll crack.  Then I'll tell her the things she wants to know; then I'll tell her the truth.


  1. I wonder if Rosaleen actually does know all that went down with Lily's mom and T-ray. I never really considered it as an option if she does! Great... hypothesis:)

  2. I really like the starting paragraph!It explained what was happening, but showed her emotions towards T- Ray as well. It made me want to keep reading on, and on.
