Friday, October 7, 2011


Short Story

    7:30 AM
     I hate living in New York City.  The traffic every morning is so bad and since my mom doesn't want to  take the detour to drive me to school, I have to bike to school.   On normal days, when the traffic isn't  horrible, it takes me fifteen minutes to get there.  Except today I left a little late.  If I was tardy one more  time I would have a weeks worth of detention.  All I can hear is the beeping of car horns.  The traffic  light in front of me is on red, and has been for a while.  I decide to take a left and gun it to try to get  there on time.  As I am turning, I can see a Semi truck heading my way.  I peddle as fast as I can, but it's  not fast enough. 
     Many teens around the country are dropping out of high school everyday; each one giving up their aspirations because school is to hard for them.  Every child should get a full education, not ending it in high school.  Kids that drop out of high school are being robbed from a successful job in the future, just because they couldn't pass  simple tests in many subjects.  Students who drop out of high school are holding themselves back from having the best life they can.


  1. WOWZERZ!That was really good!I love how you incorporated all of our three topics and made it into an action packed introduction!

  2. Details, suspense, and more details... OH MY! All of the above surprised me so much! Great job, I hope to hear more about this story...=~0

  3. I love the suspense in the fictional story introduction.
    For your essay introduction, try to find an actual statistic. How many teens drop out each year? The rest of the introduction is excellent.
