Sunday, October 23, 2011

God Bless America.

            Our country has overcome many things together. From fighting for our freedom to overcoming terrorist attacks our country has proven that we can accomplish many things. I am very proud in the things that our country has achieved and know that we will continue to strive for excellence.
            With the end of the Revolutionary war in 1783, our nation was declared a free country. Being the underdogs, many were surprised when we came back and won our freedom.  Thousands of lives were sacrificed to make America a free country.  With this being said, I am very proud of our nation for doing this.  The whole reason English men traveled the seas was to find freedom, and when they got here and still didn’t have it; they were strong enough to fight for it. This makes me proud to live in America.  The fact that our nation is free affects everything we do each day.  I am swollen with pride by the fact that we overcame the Britain’s to get freedom.
            September 11, 2001 is a day that Americans will remember forever. It is a day that our country was attacked and realized the impact of terrorism on our own soil. However, things that have happened since that day make America even stronger. In 2011, we killed Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind behind 9/11. To me, this is a very big accomplishment.  We were defeated in 2001, but this year we came back and showed the world that what the terrorists did was not okay. Our country will not accept thousands of innocent deaths.  I think that it is amazing that we killed Osama. We should all be very proud of our country for accomplishing this.
            When someone asks me if I am proud of America, I feel like it’s such an easy question to answer.  Step back and take a look at all the things our country has achieved.  We are free. Those three words are all it takes to make me be proud of my country. No fancy inventions or big technology, just freedom.  I am proud to say that I am an American citizen for all the things we have accomplished and overcome. 

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