Tuesday, April 3, 2012


If I asked you to tell me what your favorite word is; what would you say? No I don't mean something like "agenda" or " sassafras" -- more along the lines of an inspiration. Something that has meaning. Think of that word, in your head. The one that keeps you going through the day. I am going to make a pretty safe bet saying that the majority of you would say words like "love" or "believe" or "hope", right? But, why? Why are we thinking of these words, fantasy words, when this is real life? I think that the words we should be thinking of are "trust" "loyalty" and "strength". Yeah, there is love in the future, but there is strength now. I think that rather than focusing on the fairytale words, we should close in on the ones that might actually help us. The ones with meaning, the ones that we should be thinking about.

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